

Wish List

I wish I was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off
I wish I was a sacrifice but somehow still lived on
I wish I was a sentimental ornament you hung on
I wish I was the evidence,
I wish I was the grounds For 50 million hands upraised and open toward the sky

I wish I was a sailor with someone who waited for me
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me
I wish I was a messenger and all the news was good
I wish I was the full moon shining off a Camaro's hood

I wish I was an alien at home behind the sun
I wish I was the souvenir you kept your house key on
I wish I was the pedal brake that you depended on
I wish I was the verb 'to trust' and never let you down

I wish I was a radio song, the one that you turned up

Aku berharap... bisa menjadi sesuatu yang berarti bagi seseorang...


hope whit in

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain
When you don't like my point of view
You think that I'm insane
It's not sane...

I just want someone to say to me :
"I'll always be there when you wake"

And all I can do is crying to stay awake
It rips my life away but its a great escape..



Pulang kampung....
he..he... asik... semangat waktu packing...
toh saya juga dah rada-rada bosen dibanyuwangi..

tapi setelah sampe di jogja...
baru setengah hari..
saya dah bosen ma jogja, sepertinya jogja dah gak asik lagi..
something change my prespectif..

entah kenapa aku gak pernah tenang ada disini..
gak bisa disini lama-lama...

pengen segera balik ke banyuwangi atau kemana lah...
yang penting gak dijogja lagi....